Tuesday 17 December 2013

Festive Fun at Dean Street Townhouse

Dean Street Townhouse Welcome
There are few things more spectacular to me --than Christmas in London!  Every year, my inner child laps up all the festive fun via my adult self.
Dean Street Luxury

This Christmas season has seen me bouncing around London, Paris, Edinburgh, and very soon -- Bras d'Or (Unfamiliar with Bras d'Or? Shame on you!) 
These last two weeks have been about scrambling to see all my nearest and dearest before my Nova Scotia Christmas holiday begins. (You know how is goes...)
Huddled away from the uber-trendy vibrancy of Soho, is Dean Street Townhouse --the perfect place to meet people whilst having a fantastic meal.   
Dean Street Booth Heaven
Anyone who knows me, knows I love a good booth session. (This pace is full of them.)
We had a wonderful brunch experience, where we lounged in comfortable private-club-like-surroundings and enjoyed superior service. It goes without saying, the food was lush.
There are very few restaurants where you can enjoy a hearty brunch, indulge in endless pots of tea, all whilst exchanging and opening Christmas gifts with friends.
It's just such a comfortable environment!
Lord Frewbe & Tree
I can tell you from experience, Dean Street Townhouse is great anytime of the year. However, having a special meal, during a magical time of year, with wonderful friends is only enhanced by the Dean Street excellence.
Get your jingle on everybody!
Yours truly,
Lord Frewbe

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