Sunday 3 November 2013


Harvest Tree Season: Elgin, Scotland
I know I am supposed to love summer, hot beach weather, wearing shorts & sandles, etc... and although its all fine, October is MY month.  First of all, we have Canadian Thanksgiving to celebrate --bring on the roast dinner with all the trimmings!! Then we have the joy of watching the seasonal colours pop into a festival of  bright oranges, vibrant yellows and rustic shades of gold.

Pumpkin Glory
Like most people of my generation, when I see a pumpkin patch, I am instantly reminded of Charlie Brown and The Great Pumpkin. What a classic film. I watch it every year, along with Sleepy Hallow (Have you been watching the new series based on this story?), Hocus Pocus and all the other Halloween must-sees. My 'internal child' never tires of these films.   

Pumpkin Greetings
Growing up in Nova Scotia, everyone celebrated Halloween with a glowing pumpkin on their front porch or looking out from a main window.  I've carried on the tradition in my London home. This year my pumpkin acted as a beacon for trick-or-treaters, telling neighbourhood children to stop by for some treats. (I had 25 'Tricker Treaters' in total. They cleaned me out.)
Boozy Pumpkin Friends
We all know Halloween isn't strictly for children.  In fact, it's a great excuse for a party.  I love getting on the tube seeing all sorts of costume originality.
Halloween Frolics
Pubs and bars are great places to celebrate Halloween.  In my opinion, nothing beats a great house party, especially when everyone is in the mood. I crawled home from this one in early hours of Friday night... Thanks Lara & Holly. Good Times!
Happy Halloween
Yours truly,
Lord Frewbe

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