Wednesday 5 June 2013

Lord Frewbe's Maiden Voyage...

Duke of York Market

So lets get this blog started with all the things I love, begining with a good old fashion market.  The Saturday market in Duke of York Square is not too be missed.  Every stall is designed to tempt you with the most gorgeous world foods, cheeses, olives, pies. cakes name it. The best way to start your weekend. The rustic sausage rolls alone make it a destination spot for me -YUM!


VILLAGE LIFE: Who could resist a peaceful afternoon spent leisurely relaxing near the Thames in Marlow? I am obsessed with these gorgeous little villages.  Our country is rich with the most charming little corners. I simply can't get enough of them.  

STATELY UK: I spend hours rambling around in these grand old homes. You can experience the layers of centuries-old family history in the decor, gardens, and landscape. Every house tells a story... National Trust and English Heritage - I LOVE YOU!   

Paris Neighborhood

THE TOUR: What Lord worth his salt doesn't go on a Grand Tour? I spend a lot of time in Paris and travelling throughout Europe's most glamourous cities.  Oh La la....

Pie & Mash

PUB GRUB: My own personal obsession is to find the best Pie & Mash in The UK. The magic is always in the crust. Suggested Pies I must try are a must!!

Tributes to Greatness

THE ARCHITECTURE: Our little country is full of the most stunning architecture.  Stop, look around...its everywhere. Enjoy.

MY MISSION: To spend each weekend enjoying some part of this gorgeous country, whether its a simple afternoon lounging in a local park or tea at The Ritz.

So, please feel free to send me some suggestions!

Lord Frewbe

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