Tuesday 4 November 2014

Home For Halloween

Putney Pumpkin Patch. London
Yup --I'm writing about it again.  Halloween is by far, my most favourite time of the year. And nowhere does it better than my home town in Cape Breton. (Actually 'Town' is a big word for the small community where I grew up --but let's use it for lack of a better word.) 
The above picture was taken in London.  My friend Pam (another relocated North American) decided to have a pumpkin carving party the weekend before Halloween.
It gave me some good practice before the main event.
Our Front Yard View
Living and working in London definitely has its advantages. For a major city, mixed in amongst its centuries-old historic landmarks, it has many beautiful green and country-feeling spaces. 
 But how can you beat having this view from your front yard?  You can only get this untouched beauty on The Bras d'Or Lakes, in rural Cape Breton. (Perhaps I am biased...but just look at that view.)

Monday 8 September 2014

My Miami Sound Machine Moments

Doing my best to make friends with the locals..
Miami drums up all sorts of late 80's, early 90's cheesy TV imagery for me.  Flashbacks of Miami Vice, Gloria Estefan, The Golden Girls are all still firmly lodged in my childhood memory. (Growing up, I think I had a 'Miami Mice' T-shirt I shouldn't be admitting too..)  
As I am not a sun worshiper (Casper has a better tan than moi.) places like Miami don't usually pop up on my radar. Boy was I wrong to overlook this sun-drenched pleasure mecca. 
Cruising down Ocean Drive
At first, I spent a great deal of time in downtown Miami (Don't waste your time.  It has all the charm of a newly built Arab mega city.) but with South Beach only 20 minutes by taxi, I soon discovered the 'heart' of Miami and relocated to Washington Blvd.

Saturday 4 January 2014

Celebrating Christmas in London, Paris, Edinburgh and ...Bras d'Or.

Let Christmas Begin at the Market
Like most of you, I am thrilled with the arrival of December 1st.  It is official --we are finally allowed to be excited about Christmas and all its tinsel-clad glory!!
Covent Garden Market in London
Yes, I know --Covent Garden Market is open year-round. But there is something distinctly magical about giant, glittering baubles hanging from its Victorian structure, that injects a sense of joy into your soul. 
You can find truly unique gifts here, or simply enjoy an afternoon of meandering through the many stalls.  
Warm yourself by the fire..
No afternoon of exploring around Covent Garden would be complete without stopping by one of the many neighbourhood pubs.  A glass of warm mulled wine near a roaring fire --yes, please!

Tuesday 17 December 2013

Festive Fun at Dean Street Townhouse

Dean Street Townhouse Welcome
There are few things more spectacular to me --than Christmas in London!  Every year, my inner child laps up all the festive fun via my adult self.
Dean Street Luxury

Monday 9 December 2013

Whisky Weekend in SCOTLAND

Brodie Castle
Every Lord should have his own castle. Mine is on order. (I have several more payments to make...) Going to Scotland was like going home for me, as I am originally from New Scotland. My first destination was The National Trust's Brodie Castle. If you are looking for a fairy tale Scottish castle, look no further...
The new 'Brodie' of Brodie Castle?

Monday 2 December 2013

Working In Paris!

Safe Haven in The Eurostar Lounge

They say every job has its perks. Sometimes we have to look a little harder to find them --and believe me, I've had those jobs.  However, with my current job, I get to go to Paris every month. (...and the perk is revealed in one simple sentence!) 

Paris is one of my favourite cities in the world.  (What's not to love? Great food. Wonderful shopping. Beautiful architecture. A magnificent history --Let ME eat cake!)

After my car collections me at 05:00 (Obscenely early!), I crawl into the Eurostar AMEX Lounge at St Pancras International, where I am immediately comforted by friendly staff, a sophisticated
ambiance and enough fresh croissant to make even Marie Antoinette blush.

Wednesday 20 November 2013

GUY FAWKES Celebrations In RYE

Bon Fire Mob

Not very often in life are we presented with a true 'stepping back in time' experience. One of those rare moments where you have shivers of excitement as you are confronted with pure sensory over-load. Rye, an ancient town in East Sussex, England, is the perfect backdrop for the most amazing Guy Fawkes pageantry.