Monday, 8 September 2014

My Miami Sound Machine Moments

Doing my best to make friends with the locals..
Miami drums up all sorts of late 80's, early 90's cheesy TV imagery for me.  Flashbacks of Miami Vice, Gloria Estefan, The Golden Girls are all still firmly lodged in my childhood memory. (Growing up, I think I had a 'Miami Mice' T-shirt I shouldn't be admitting too..)  
As I am not a sun worshiper (Casper has a better tan than moi.) places like Miami don't usually pop up on my radar. Boy was I wrong to overlook this sun-drenched pleasure mecca. 
Cruising down Ocean Drive
At first, I spent a great deal of time in downtown Miami (Don't waste your time.  It has all the charm of a newly built Arab mega city.) but with South Beach only 20 minutes by taxi, I soon discovered the 'heart' of Miami and relocated to Washington Blvd.